Today's post is a WW2 pamphlet asking people of India to buy defence loans. British Government had issued similar war defence loan schemes in most of the colonies during WWII. Thus, I assume the slogan "A Call To The Nation" used was very common. Though, the slogan was published with an Indian bugle man in India. This was common design for such advertisement since I also have an edition of Indian Information publication by Govt. of British India which has same front cover design.
Shown above is front side of pamphlet. While reverse side carries the need for such scheme and how can one make investment in that.
The text in English reads:
MODERN war means mechanised armies, tanks, aeroplanes - thousands of them - and guns, in addition to men and munitions, and to equip and maintain a modern army for defending our homes will cost very large sums of money. Every patriotic Indian can help to make India strong and thus protect his home and family by saving as much as possible and lending his savings to Government. The Government of India have issued Defence Loans to suit the convenience of different classes of people. The object of these Defence Loans is to raise money to expand and equip our army, navy and air force for the defence of our country. By subscribing to these loans you will be paying the best insurance for your freedom and happiness.
These certificates are a very safe and convenient method of investment. The minimum value of certificates is only Rs. 10. They are, however, issued in larger amounts also - Rs. 50, Rs. 100, Rs. 500, and Rs. 1,000. A ten rupee certificate carries interest at the rate if five annas for each complete year, except the first year. In addition to interest, a certificate holder is entitled to a bonus of four annas at the end of the fifth year and eight annas at the end of the tenth year. The interest is income-tax free. Thus, at the end of ten years, the certificate is valued at Rs. 13-9-0, having earned Rs. 3-9-0. This works out at the rate of 3-1/8 per cent. compound interest. The certificate can be bought at any post office, but no person can buy more than Rs. 5,000 (face value). Unlike other securities, fluctuations in the market cannot diminish their value. For if a holder wishes to get his money back before 10 years, he has only to apply to the Post Office from which he bought the certificate and he will get back his deposit of Rs. 10 plus the interest and bonus that has accured on it.

MODERN war means mechanised armies, tanks, aeroplanes - thousands of them - and guns, in addition to men and munitions, and to equip and maintain a modern army for defending our homes will cost very large sums of money. Every patriotic Indian can help to make India strong and thus protect his home and family by saving as much as possible and lending his savings to Government. The Government of India have issued Defence Loans to suit the convenience of different classes of people. The object of these Defence Loans is to raise money to expand and equip our army, navy and air force for the defence of our country. By subscribing to these loans you will be paying the best insurance for your freedom and happiness.
(I) 10-Year Defence Savings Certificates
These certificates are a very safe and convenient method of investment. The minimum value of certificates is only Rs. 10. They are, however, issued in larger amounts also - Rs. 50, Rs. 100, Rs. 500, and Rs. 1,000. A ten rupee certificate carries interest at the rate if five annas for each complete year, except the first year. In addition to interest, a certificate holder is entitled to a bonus of four annas at the end of the fifth year and eight annas at the end of the tenth year. The interest is income-tax free. Thus, at the end of ten years, the certificate is valued at Rs. 13-9-0, having earned Rs. 3-9-0. This works out at the rate of 3-1/8 per cent. compound interest. The certificate can be bought at any post office, but no person can buy more than Rs. 5,000 (face value). Unlike other securities, fluctuations in the market cannot diminish their value. For if a holder wishes to get his money back before 10 years, he has only to apply to the Post Office from which he bought the certificate and he will get back his deposit of Rs. 10 plus the interest and bonus that has accured on it.