Saturday, October 6, 2012

Words that express friendship - WW2 Anti-Japanese Poster

It's very long time after which I am posting some article. Life has been busy-busy ;-) I had a pleasant trip back home (India) and just returned refreshed (new items bought over the trip)!

Below is one rare WW2 Anti-Japanese poster issued by National War Front in India. The poster is in Gujarati language.

The English translation of text is as follows:

First line : Mitratabharya bol mean "Words that express friendship" 
Second line : "Dusht Karmo" mean "Evil deeds" 

Last line : "Japanio saame rashtriya yudh morcho ubho karo" means "(Lets)Start a national war campaign against the Japanese"

It basically warns Indian public of what Japanese speak versus do. A very interesting and colorful poster. It also has a numbering S.53 at right bottom. I am not sure what that coding means. The poster is also of unusually large size measuring 19.5 x 29 inch.

I am sure you will like the poster. Let me know if anyone has any more information on background of this poster.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

For India's Defence Services - WW2 Label

Today's post is on three different WW2 victory label issued during 1939-45. They were issued in denomination of 1 anna. All the labels had text "For India's Defence Services" in English. They were issued in Red, Green and Blue color.

Shown above is red color mint label (block of 4) which has small V in blue color on top of Indian map. The label also had text in Hindi. The back side of label has a blue colored seal with text in Hindi translated as "Central India War Fund", Thanks!

The one shown above is used example of red label where they were commonly used in judicial papers along with revenue stamps. This one is used with Maihar state stamp. The back side of paper also has small V seal/postmark in blue color.

The Green colored variety is almost same as Red colored one. The only difference being it has text in Urdu than in Hindi. It doesn't have any V sign on Indian map.

The last one in this series is blue colored label with red colored V symbol on it. The one I have is an used example with Dhar state revenue stamp on judicial paper.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Mhow Mercury - WW2 STC (B) India Publication

It’s long since I shared any WW2 publication. Frankly speaking, it is more difficult to gather any information on literature items specially if they were local to some unit in some country. Today’s item is one of such thing. It’s called “Mhow Mercury” a WW2 paper covering the social activities of the S.T.C. (Signal Training Center), Mhow, India. Before we even hit upon Mhow, let’s dive into history of Signals!

~~~~~~~~~~~~Royal Signals~~~~~~~~~~~~

It all started with formation of Royal Signals (India) or Corp of Signals (now known as Indian Army Corp of Signals)on the 15 February 1911 as a separate entity under Lt Col S H Powell in India. Lt Col SH Powell,Royal Engineers, was the founder and first head of the Indian Signal Service which later became the Indian Signal Corps.Till then, the Sappers part of the Indian Army Corps of Engineers established in 1777, where in charge of passing battlefield messages. The Corp of Signals celebrated its centenary in 2011.

Corps of Signals (India) was itself part of Royal Corp of Signals just like all the similar establishment of British Commonwealth. Until World War 1, the Royal Engineer Signal Service provided communications. During that time the Dispatch Rider (DR) came into prominence and wireless 'sets' were introduced into service. Wireless communications were provided in France and Flanders and also in the campaigns in Salonika, Palestine and Mesopotamia.

It was not until 1918, when the first official agreement to form a separate Signal Corps was made, but due to various policy delays the formation of the 'Corps' was delayed until 1920. A Royal Warrant was signed by the Secretary of State for War, the Right Honourable Winston S Churchill, who gave the sovereign's approval for the formation on the 28th June 1920 of a 'Corps of Signals'. Six weeks later His Majesty the King conferred the title 'Royal Corps of Signals'. During the 1920s and 1930s the Corps increased its strength and had personnel serving in overseas stations such as Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Ceylon, Egypt, Jamaica and many other 'out - posts of the Empire'. The largest portion of the Corps was overseas and one third was concentrated in India.

Throughout World War 2 members of the Corps served in every theatre of war and at the end it had a serving strength of 8,518 officers and 142,472 soldiers. During the war 4,362 members of Royal Signals gave their lives.

/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ Mhow Training Center /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

As part of Corps of Signals establishment, two Training Centers were created in India: one in Jabalpur and the second in Bangalore. On partition, the assets of the Centre at Bangalore were transferred to Pakistan. We will focus upon the Jabalpur and surrounding training centers.

Mhow (cantonment) town was founded in 1818 by John Malcolm as a result of the Treaty of Mandsaur between the British and the Holkars who ruled Indore. John Malcolm's forces had defeated the Holkars at the Battle of Mahidpur in 1818. It was after this battle that the capital of the Holkars shifted from the town of Maheshwar on the banks of the Narmada to Indore.

Mhow gained in military status early in the 20th century as part of the reforms brought about by General Kitchener. With his wide experience of warfare in Egypt, the Sudan and Africa, he saw that the existing broad spread of military units over the country might usefully serve local troubles but had no merit for military action against an invader. He rightly foresaw that there were potential enemies in the north, Russia amongst them, who might take advantage of the situation if improvements were not made. He therefore set about grouping fighting units into Brigades and Divisions. Mhow became a Divisional Headquarters and formation training became part of the routine of life. Mhow was the headquarters of the 5th (Mhow) Division of the Southern Command during the British Raj.

There is total lack of unanimity on how Mhow got its name. There are many theories about this, but there is no confirmation about which theory is true.

Many people believe that MHOW stands for Military Headquarters Of War. There is no proof for this as it is said that the village near Mhow has been called Mhow Gaon since time immemorial. Thus the Cantonment which came up in 1818 came to be known as Mhow Cantt.

The Mahua (Madhuca longifolia) tree which grows in profusion in the forests around Mhow has also been mentioned as a possible source for the name of this town.

It was a town of modest size in open undulating country with the advantage of an altitude of 1824 feet. It therefore provided a climate that was never oppressive. The countryside was open, neither forested nor lacking trees. All in all it was a good choice for training establishments.

It led to creation of The British Signal Training Centre, STC(B) for short which undertook the revision training of soldier tradesmen after their long sea voyage from England and also ran courses for new specialties or upgrading. The Officer Cadet Wing, which was part of it, received its input from Officer Cadet Training Centres in England as well as those at Dehra Dun, Bangalore and Mhow itself in India. These had given basic officer training for all future officers.

The Cadets then moved on to specialist training appropriate to the branch of the Army that they intended to join. It was a great advantage for both nations that the British and Indian components of our courses should meet and make friends with each other during the four month duration of their Signals training.

From 1933-40, Indian commissioned officers were trained at the Signal Training Centre (STC) Jabalpur and Army Signal School, Poona. Besides this, specialist training was imparted at the Telecommunications School, Agra and Communication Security School (Cipher) at Mhow.

But after creation of the Signals Officers Training School, as part of the STC (British) Mhow, trained cadets commissioned into the Royal Signals as well as the commissioned officers of the Indian Signal Corps during 1940-46. All these institutions, except the Army Signal School, Poona, were amalgamated at Mhow on October 1, 1946 to form the Indian Signal Corps School. After independence, it was renamed the School of Signals on June 25, 1948.

The school was organised to train Young Officers (No 1 Squadron), Tech Training (No 2 Squadron) and Cipher Training (No 3 Squadron). However, in 1947 the squadrons were renamed Coys. By early 1949, the establishment was revised again and the school re-designated the School of Signals.

On October 1, 1967, the School of Signals was re-designated "Military College of Telecommunications Engineering" (MCTE) in keeping with the advanced technical training being imparted in the Institution, and the Wings were renamed Faculties.

The Mhow Mercury

Mhow Training Center came into focus after the Japanese invasions in Burma and North East India. Before that Indian Divisions, largely British-officered, were moved to the Mediterranean area and played an important part in that area including, in the Italian campaign. After the rapid expansion of Mhow Training Center, a recreational paper was planned which gave birth to “The Mhow Mercury”.

It had overall only 36 issues starting first issue on 27th July 1944 and final issue on 29th March 1945. The majority of the issues were 6pp, some were 4pp, and one was 2pp and the final issue 10pp. It was printed at the Imperial Printing Press, Mhow initially and then at the Rasalpura Electric Press, Mhow (Vol. 2, No. 4 onwards).

Here is what editorial section of first edition has to say:

No fanfare of Trumpets; no Red Carpets; no Garlands of Orchids as the first edition of the new Mercury goes to press. The aim of this publication is to give you the up-to-date news on events in this station, far removed from the horrors and grim machinations of war. This is YOUR paper, and it is to you that we look for criticism. But don’t keep your comments to yourselves. Let us have them. Write your suggestions or criticisms on a piece of paper, add your name and number, and hand it in to your Wing office.

May be you have an idea which will benefit the social activities of the S.T.C. Let us have it, and if it’s good, we’ll use it. Remember it’s YOUR paper and we want you to help in its publication.

Have you a bona fide grievance? Do you wonder why the Thrift shop only opens on Friday? Are you worried about your stoppages, your food, your Income Tax? Drop us a line and we’ll give you an explanation. One thing more, be brief for we’re short of space.

Maybe you have a short story or an article on ‘Dhobis’ tucked away in your Kit Bag. Send it in maybe you’ll hit the headlines.

Our Live Letter Box and Poet’s Corner are your features. Keep them going, chaps.

The weekly publication of this paper depends on YOU. So, with apologies to Winston Churchill we say, Give us the scripts, and we’ll continue the job.

Here is what editorial section of last edition has to say:

Sir James Grigg’s recent statement that general demobilization would not come into effect until Japan in beaten, has shattered the hopes of those, like myself, who were optimistic of early release when Germany is beaten. If the Govt. makes this decision general throughout the world, and rule out all possibility of ‘string pulling’, this news is not as depressing as it first seems.

After the downfall of the Third Reich, two million more men will be available for the Far East theatre of operations, and the Govt. will then have little excuse for not bringing repatriation down to 3 years of even less.

The British press has long been telling its readers of the bitter winter conditions our troops are suffering on the Western front. We realize, and appreciate, the hardships suffered by them and we hope for an early victory, in order that they can come east to enjoy the splendor and warmth of an eastern summer.
A famous London newspaper reported that a welcome was given to troops home from Burma, who had for three and a half years been sweltering in a temperature of 80 degrees (Celsius). If proof were needed that the 14th Army has been forgotten, then you have it here. The newspaper concerned would do well to study temperatures in Burma before again making such a faux pas.

As the German army crumbles and their cities are systematically razed to the ground by Round-the-Clock bombing by allied air forces, a child of seven wrote to Air Chief Marshal Harris, thanking him for bombing Germany off the map. The reason which prompted her to write this letter of thanks was, she said, because the removal of Germany from the earth’s surface would make her Geography lessons easier.

Be of good cheer, the road which the allies have travelled since Sept. 1939 has been hard and long. The end is in sight, and before 1945 has petered out, great events will have taken place and sanity will once more come into its own.

As this final issue comes off the press, Mercury says farewell to the S.T.C. To those contributors who have helped us in the past, to Aunt Sally and Passionate Percy who responded to our appeal for regular contributors, we say thank you. Continued lack of interest in this paper justifies the decision by the A.O. and Editor to close it down. Alternative arrangements will be made to advertise the Unit entertainment and Cinema programmes within the Unit.

The Mhow Mercury Editions:

No. 1, 27th July 1944
No. 2, 3rd August 1944
No. 3, 10th August 1944
No. 4, 17th August 1944
No. 5, 25th August 1944
No. 6, 31st August 1944
No. 7, 7th September 1944
No. 8, 14th September 1944
No. 9, 21st September 1944
Vol. 1, No. 10, 28th September 1944
Vol. 1, No. 11, 5th October 1944
Vol. 1, No. 12, 12th October 1944
Vol. 1, No. 13, 19th October 1944
Vol. 1, No. 14, 26th October 1944
Vol. 1, No. 15, 2nd November 1944
Vol. 1, No. 16, 9th November 1944
Vol. 1, No. 17, 16th November 1944
Vol. 1, No. 18, 23rd November 1944
Vol. 1, No. 19, 30th November 1944
Vol. 1, No. 20, 7th December 1944
Vol. 1, No. 21, 14th December 1944
Vol. 1, No. 24, 4th January 1945
Vol. 1, No. 25, 11th January 1945
Vol. 2, No. 1, 18th January 1945
Vol. 2, No. 2, 25th January 1945
Vol. 2, No. 3, 1st February 1945
Vol. 2, No. 4, 8th February 1945
Vol. 2, No. 5, 15th February 1945
Vol. 2, No. 6, 22nd February 1945
Vol. 2, No. 7, 1st March 1945
Vol. 2, No. 8, 8th March 1945
Vol. 2, No. 9, 15th March 1945
Vol. 2, No. 10, 22nd March 1945
Vol. 2, No. 11, 29th March 1945

Unfortunately, I have Vol. 1, No. 22, 21st December 1944 and Vol. 1, No. 23, 28th December 1944 edition missing in my collection.

Before I end this long post, I would like to suggest my readers to have a look on:

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Indian Military Air Letter Card (MALC) - WWII

This is continuation of my old post Taj Mahal Military Air Letter Card. I had shown the airletter which was printed in S.S.P. Ltd. or Sree Saraswaty Press at Calcutta, India. The variety was known with coding S.S.P. Ltd. - G1623 - 15-9-44 - 3 lacs. Shown below is mint example of that type.

Today, I will be showing one more variety of same type.

Shown above is front side of what is called ICG 44, Sub-Type 1. Coded THE CALCUTTA PHOTOTYPE COMPANY as per catalogue "Indian Military Air Letter Cards 1942-47" by late O.R.J. Lee. The one I have is mint sample.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mourning India - WW2 Nazi Propaganda Postcard against British India

Today's post is in continuation to my earlier Propaganda War Postcard post. You have seen couple of propaganda postcards from UK now see this alleged Swiss product, probably printed by the German Propaganda Ministry.

It depicts an Indian woman standing near a tombstone. It implies that the Indians are against the British and may soon rise us against their colonial rulers.

India in Mourning

Years of lost opportunities.

Here lies the hope of settling the Indian question!

An interesting propaganda from Axis side!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bikaner Cash Coupon - WW2

Today's post is on another princely state cash coupon issued during WWII. Bikaner was a 17-Gun salute princely state of British India and now part of Indian state of Rajasthan. It bordered on the north and west by Bahawalpur; on the southwest by Jaiselmer; on the south by Jodhpur; on the southeast by the Shekawati district of Jaipur; on the east by oharu and Hissar; and on the north east by Ferozpore. It was part of Rajputana (Western Rajputana States Agency). It acceded to India in 1949.

The state was ruled by Lt.-Gen. HH Maharajadhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Narendra Shiromani Maharajah Sri Sadul Singhji Bahadur G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., C.V.O., 22nd Maharaja of Bikaner 1943/1950 during WW2 period after demise of his father Maj.-Gen.HH Maharajadhiraj Raj Rajeshwar Narendra Siromani Maharaja Sri Sir Ganga Singhji Bahadur.

Ganga Singh who ruled from 1887 to 1943, was the best-known of the Rajasthan princes and was a favourite of the British Governors-General. He was appointed a Knight Commander of the Order of the Star of India, served as a member of the Imperial War Cabinet, represented India at the Imperial Conferences during the First World War and the British Empire at the Versailles Peace Conference.

Sadul Singh accompanied his father on important Imperial and International conferences including the peace treaty at Versailles in 1919 and the League of Nations Session. Since second World War was still going on with full vigour when he succeeded to the Gaddi, following his father's tradition he offered his sword and personal services in the cause, and expressed his desire for an opportunity to proceed on active service. He also repeated the offer in his letter dated 25'h July 1943 after becoming the Maharaja. The offer being accepted this time, the Maharaja, accompanied by his second son, Maharaja Kumar Amar Singh, left Bikaner on 26 October 1943, and visited the Sadul Light Infantry stationed in Persia, the 49 (Bikaner) G.P.T. Company stationed in Iraq as well as certain other units of other States Forces and Imperial and Allied troops including the 4th Indian Division and the 3 Indian and Armoured Division. He returned to India in November, 1943 and on his way to Bikaner visited the Ganga Risal which was then stationed in Sind.

In November 1944 Maharaja proceeded to the Assam-Burma war theatre where the Bikaner Bijey Battery was engaged in active operations against the Japanese and returned to Bikaner in December 1944. While passing through Calcutta on his return home, the Maharaja received a tumultuous reception by a lac or more people of Bikaner settled in Calcutta in pursuit of business. The Maharaja and his staff were the recipients of the 1939-45 Star, Burma Star, Defence Medal and the War Medal.

Shown above is three of cash coupons issued by Bikaner estate during WWII. All the cash coupons mention Govt. of Bikaner in front and Sadar Treasury with Chief Treasury's signature on the reverse.

First one (on left) was issued with denomination of 1 anna. It shows a windy circular print-drawing which was later used for 10 paisa coin by Govt of India. It has been recorded as number 6.2 in Indian Paper Money Catalogue by Kishore Jhunjhunwalla.

The one at center was issued with denomination of 1 paisa. It shows a circular print-drawing with Govt. of Bikaner symbol. It has been recorded as number 6.1 in Indian Paper Money Catalogue by Kishore Jhunjhunwalla.

Other one (on right) was issued with denomination of 2 annas. It shows square print-drawing. It has been recorded as number 6.3 in Indian Paper Money Catalogue by Kishore Jhunjhunwalla.

The catalogue mentions another cash coupon which is missing in my collection. It was issued with denomination of 4 Annas and recorded as 6.4.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

German WW2 Propaganda Leaflet against Indian Soldiers - Free Excursion to London

After a long time here is a German WW2 propaganda leaflet against Indian soldiers as part of Allied forces for my readers to savor! As usual this one is not in very good condition but then you can't expect more from a leaflet. It survived all odds of war for us to enjoy and admire it.

I am directly copying text from Herbert Friedman's article, which states:

This German leaflet (delta.gif (1104 bytes)161/9 44 "Free Excursion to London") depicts three Indian troops looking at three scantily-dressed dancing girls. The propaganda text is very interesting. The Germans claim that after the war the British intend to give any Indians who had been held prisoner, a tour of London. They then suggest that rather than being killed on the battlefield, wouldn't it be better to allow yourself to be taken prisoner so that you can take part in the free tour. 

The text is: 

Tour of London! Free! 

All India Radio Delhi has said in its evening news bulletin of 25 September 1944 that the British government has decided recently that those prisoners of war who would be in Germany would be sent to London after the war. Beautiful girls having magical eyes are waiting even from now itself for those Indians who had jumped into the flames of war for the victory of England but fortunately did not meet the death. After this pleasure trip (of London) they will be sent home. 

But What Will Become of You Who Are Still on Battlefields? 

Be victims of the chilly winds of the Alps 
Be frozen in the freezing cold of Italy 
Face the adversary, platoons and weapons 
And finally, be targets of bullets! 

Go to permanent sleep with the desire to go home! 

If the war is going to end soon as the British propaganda says, then is it justified for you to lose your life in the terminal stage? 

One stone two birds! 
Protect your life!        Tour of London via Germany! 
And then home!

The back depicts the same three Indian soldiers enjoying a cruise on a ship named "London." The text is the same as on the front.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Today's post is continuation of my previous post "Don't Believe In Rumour". It is another propaganda airmail letter created by Indian Airmail Society.

Shown above is one of the famous airmail letter issued by Indian Airmail Society during WWII. The concept of such letter was from Stephen Smith, secretary of Indian Airmail Society and a known pioneer of Rocket Mail during those times.

The letter was carried through a airplane piloted by J. *ton (I am terribly sorry but I couldn't read the letters properly. If any of my reader can decode then please let me know). The letter carries his signature close to large shaped 'V'. The letter carries a red colored special cancellation cachets: "BY AIR" and a black colored "CC-Calcutta" on front side.

The letter has cancellation of Dum Dum (a place in Calcutta) of November 21, 1941, 9:15 a.m. It has been backstamped with slogan "Buy Defence Savings Certificates" dated November 21, 1941, 5:30 p.m. at Park Street (again Calcutta).

This cover has also been signed by Stephen Smith on the reverse side.

The letter carries a very large V in red color with text in center and "DON'T JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS" in bigger font on the left side. The text on left hand side reads:


The message reminds Axis forces of massive Italian defeat in Africa by General Wavell forces in February 1941.

It continues with more text:


It sarcastically mentions EPSOM SALTS which originated from Epsom, Surrey, England.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Support to Blind People - WW2 Pamphlet (India)

Today's post is on one of the advertisement pamphlet issued by Government of India during WW2 to assist blind soldiers. I don't have much historical background on it i.e. in which year it was issued or was it really a government agency publication/distribution or some private party. My guess is it was indeed some governmental organization publishing but the pamphlet doesn't give any concrete proof.

Since the text of the pamphlet is in Hindi hence I have translated them in English for consumption of my readers.

Support to Blind people

Government of India has accepted the proposal to educate Blind soldiers in Lahore's Blind School and Bombay's Victoria Memorial School.

The blind soldiers will be able to learn variety of useful craftsmanship in these schools. They will be able to develop skills which will help them spend their time working. If they wish then they can earn extra money besides their pension.

Relevant skills and quality will be:

Education Related
Read, write and be able to do calculations using specially designed books.

Craftsmanship Related
Making wooden basket, weaving clothes and placing bent tree sticks to form chairs.

These schools will teach education and craftsmanship related skills. Blind soldiers will be given following perks while they get trained in these schools:
a) Free Food and Shelter
b) 6 Rupees monthly allowance besides their pension or any income they would have earned through their skills.
c) Blind soldier and if needed his assistance will be paid for return rail transportation charges from his house or barrack where he is under treatment to school.

The duration of training will be around 9 months.

Whoever (blind soldier) would like to get admission in these schools shall place his request to his district collector.

Delhi Printing Works, Delhi

Saturday, April 7, 2012

WW2 India Airgraph - Taj Mahal Illustration

For last couple of months, I have been reluctantly trying to build collection on WW2 India related Airgraphs. One of the reason has been high cost of these materials and not having proper catalogue to compare and find out how many such varieties are in existence. Every time, I see such Airgraph not in my collection, I am inclined to buy them but at last moment I have withdrawn because of high cost. So far, I have tried to buy only those which I think design wise are really gem and worth to be in my collection. Most likely, prices of these varieties will keep on going northwards only.

I am presenting two such Airgraphs today from my collection which have Taj Mahal as theme. Shown below is first such variety, sent by A Roper of 7th Battalion, Worcester Regiment, India Command in 1943 to Mrs. D. Adams, London. The Airgraph has censor DHC6.

The Airgraph has message in English:

My thoughts of you are fondest and this Xmas wish sincere is made of all the happiness that I wish you through the year.

- From your loving brother.

The Airgraph has printed design of multiple Taj Mahal starting from left side and moving towards right side. As it moves from left to right the size decreases. It then also has on right hand side a vertical black block on which two roses are depicted with text:

1943 - 1944

Greetings FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A Victorious New Year

Shown above is another variety sent by Major J Roberts of GHQ (I) SIGNALS, India Command to J. A. R. Dryden, Edinburgh, Scotland in 1944.

It shows a soldier on left hand side smiling with India and Taj Mahal in center. The print also has on the left hand side temples/mosques and church on right hand side with a ship sailing from left side to right side. Basically, it conveys wishes and letters moving from India to England (home).

It has a message:

"Christmas Greetings to all at Home"

which sums up all the illustration.

I was automatically drawn towards both the illustration and ended by buying them at high price :-) I guess, I will continue to do so as long as I see good illustration on Airgraph. See this for example (this is in my wish list for long time). Though, I don't think I can ever build an impressive collection as Alan Berman did.

As a reference you can see original form of 2nd Airgraph shown above here.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Patriotic Labels of British India aganist Japan in WWII - Part 2

This is in continuation of my previous post where I showed patriotic & propaganda labels of British India against Japan during WW2. The labels I shared in earlier post were not documented in "Patriotic & Propaganda of the British Commonwealth Catalogue -By Clive Edwards".

But the one shown below is :-) I happen to find one such usage of label that too on postal cover!

This one is documented in catalogue as 1/497. It has Japanese flag with dagger in centre in red and black color with purple background. The label is of size 22x38 mm with perforation of 13.5 and no face values as depicted above. The text reads "Anything you say may reach Japan".

The front side of the envelope is also shown above which indicates that the letter was sent from Bombay to Guwahati on 18th Nov 1944.

Below one is another prized letter in my collection where you can see a large scale label on same format as shown above. This one has text "The Japs Put Our 'Idle Talk' to Work". The label also has Japanese flag with dagger in centre in red and black color with yellow background.

I had seen normal labels but didn't know such patriotic economy label was also in existence which is not recorded any where.

If anyone has any such sample or labels for sell then please contact me. I will definitely be interested.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

WW2 Kapurthala State War Purpose Fund Raffle

It's indeed a long time since I have posted an article on blog. Past couple of months have been extremely busy for me relocating from India to USA on official assignment. Now that I am settling down and able to balance between personal and professional life, I hope to be regular.

I saw that I hadn't posted any war fund tickets/raffles in past couple of posts so I would like to start with a war fund ticket. Actually, I had run out of my collection of such tickets and was waiting for some items to appear. Finally, I am able to find some more of such tickets recently so I hope to continue this thread.

This particular ticket seems to another of such series.

Above photo is one of the war fund lottery ticket issued in the aid of "His Excellency The Viceroy's War Purpose Fund" by princely state of Kapurthala during WWII. The war fund ticket is named after then ruler: Maharaja of Kaurthala Jagatjit Singh Bahadur.

Kapurthala was 13 gun salute princely state in British Empire. In 1930, Kapurthala became part of the Punjab States Agency and acceded to Union of India in 1947.

The event organised to raise fund was for Rajpipla Cup, a polo tournament held in Bombay on 22nd Feb, 1941.