It's very long time after which I am posting some article. Life has been busy-busy ;-) I had a pleasant trip back home (India) and just returned refreshed (new items bought over the trip)!
Below is one rare WW2 Anti-Japanese poster issued by National War Front in India. The poster is in Gujarati language.
The English translation of text is as follows:
Second line : "Dusht Karmo" mean "Evil deeds"
Last line : "Japanio saame rashtriya yudh morcho ubho karo" means "(Lets)Start a national war campaign against the Japanese"
It basically warns Indian public of what Japanese speak versus do. A very interesting and colorful poster. It also has a numbering S.53 at right bottom. I am not sure what that coding means. The poster is also of unusually large size measuring 19.5 x 29 inch.
I am sure you will like the poster. Let me know if anyone has any more information on background of this poster.
Nice to read poster in "Gujarati" language.