Saturday, August 28, 2010

WWI Patriotic Postcard on India

It's almost a month since I updated the blog. Well, I see that my IndiBlogger rating has also gone down to 48 :-( The month has been unusually hectic. I have been traveling almost every week, from official tour to leisure trip. A good excuse, right? I am good at coming with excuses. Let's keep some of them for future and concentrate on today's topic.

It is related to a WWI patriotic postcard which was used from UK to Argentina. I had bought this one sometime in 2008 and it has been lying in my collection since like that.

Shown above is front side of used WWI patriotic postcard. It mentions on the left side:

Published by W.N. Sharpe Ltd, Bradford, & London.

The envelope was sent from Camberwell, London to Rosario, Argentina on 16th August 1915.

Reverse side shows the occupied India flag with a poem praising Indian soldiers and war effort in WWI. It mentions:

Our Indian Warriors,
staunch and true,
have proved their
worth to all;
To guard the flag,
they dare and do -
At England's battle-call!

I have been looking for all such patriotic and propaganda postcards of WWI and WWII on India but getting them in used condition is very difficult. If any of my readers have such postcards and willing to offer me then let me know.


  1. Nice postcard.
    It was not sent to Buenos Aires, but to Rosario. ("Rosario de Santa Fe")
    "Buenos Ayres" is the name of the street ("rua" in Portuguese)

  2. Thanks a lot again! My goof-up! I will correct it.
