Sunday, November 15, 2009

British India Propaganda Leaflet Against Japanese Forces

Before I talk about today's post, I just wanted to share the gloomy cloudy weather of Bangalore. Well, Bangalore's weather used to be always like that through out year couple of years ago. Even now, it's still great. Though, I say the cloudy weather as gloomy but the reason is darkness of clouds not otherwise. I just love rainy, cloudy and windy weather :-)

Though, most of the people will disagree with me because it forces them to stay indoor. I agree that point but at the same time I just love the mystic rainy weather. The above photograph is taken from my apartment roof top. It shows still some what green line of Bangalore :-) over shadowed by mighty clouds!

So before the clouds start raining let's begin our topic :D Today's post is about a British India (Allied Forces) propaganda leaflet used against Japanese Indian forces (read INA) during world war two (WWII). It's code named 2 M. P. S./H.3 (2nd Mobile Printing Shop written in Hindustani). This is third leaflet of this type.

As usual it is written in Urdu on one side while Hindustani (written using English alphabets) on other. The English translation is:

To the Soldiers and Officers of 1/2, 2/2 and 3/2 Infantry Regiment

All the officers and soldiers of 1/2 regiment know me very well because I was their commander until July 1944. Besides that even other compatriots of other regiments also know me because I was 2nd in command of my regiment. I know very well that most of you would like to return to India. Allow me to help you achieving that.

I also know why haven't you returned yet. There is only one reason for that, you fear Japanese officers. Why do you get scared of Japanese? When I along with four of my other officers escaped from 2 Div HQ so easily then it should be an easy job for you because you are serving in front line.

We (myself and my officers) have been treated very well here. There has not been any restriction on us or anyone guarding us. I am also aware of the fact that the same treatment is given to every Indian soldiers. Everyone here knows under which circumstances you have decided to come along with cruel and notorious Japanese. Then, why do you care or fear?

Just come our side (surrender) and you will be back to India in couple of days.

March from PoPA to Shamal and you will find our patrol there to help you out.

GIII Ind Officer 2nd Div.
Mohd. Sarwar Maj.


Basically, this leaflet is also written on the same pattern where a surrendered Indian officer from Japanese regiment is appealing his fellow countrymen of Japanese forces to cross over and join British troops.

PoPA mentioned in leaflet is famous Mount PoPA in Burma. But, I couldn't figure out this place called "Shamal". It will be great if some expert can enlighten me on that place so that I can locate the path between PoPA and Shamal on Google Earth.

Hope you would have enjoyed the leaflet amid cloudy weather of Bangalore and rainy forests of Burma :-)

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