Friday, January 23, 2009

Bombay Presidency War & Relief Fund

I will be on vacation for next couple of days. So, there will not be any blog update until 29th January.

I am traveling to Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay) on personal trip. I was thinking not to update Blog but then Bombay's name reminded me of some war fund labels ;) And here I am writing blog ....

Yes, today's item is focused on Bombay Presidency War & Relief Fund.

The Bombay Presidency was a former province of British India. It was established in the 17th century as a trading post for the British East India Company, but later grew to encompass much of western and central India, as well as parts of post-partition Pakistan and the Arabian Peninsula.

At its greatest extent, the Bombay Presidency comprised the present-day state of Gujarat, the western two-thirds of Maharatra state, and northwestern Karnataka state of India; It also included Pakistan's Sindh province and the British territory of Aden in Yemen. It consisted partly of districts, which were directly under British rule, and partly of native or princely states, which were ruled by local rulers under the administration of a governor.

During world war I, Lord Willingdon, the governor of Bombay, had created India War & Relief Fund (Bombay Branch) where all the native and princely states neighbouring Bombay Presidency contributed along with people of Bombay Presidency.

As a part of that Women and Children Branch was also established for war victims. Lady Willingdon, president of these branches, led them for collection of funds. As a part of that, couple of labels were issued to encourage people to donate.

There are 3 different variety of such label exists.

The above 2 labels are of same design and type just a different color shades: Pale Lilac and Purple. These labels were issued with perforation 14 and of size 38.5x22 mm. All of these labels carried similar design. The labels were issued in denomination of 1/2 Anna each where Women's Branch, Bombay Presidency War & Relief Fund was printed.

One of variety in such label is "Children's Guild" overprinted on such label as shown above meant for Children Branch.

A slight difference was in the label issued in Sind province of Bombay Presidency where label carried "Sind Women's Branch" instead of "Women's Branch" which were present in other labels.

Sind label also had different picture in center where a man with camel was shown in the backdrop of rough mountain terrain. And, the label had Karachi printed instead of Bombay.

In 1917, Children's Branch had also issued bronze medal meant for Bombay Presidency War & Relief Fund as shown above. The medal carried President Lady Willingdon's signature on one side while a child alone on the other side perhaps depicting suffering and cries of war.

Yup! I have all the above items shown. I am not sure how many such items or labels were issued by Women and Children's Branch of Bombay War & Relief fund.

If you know more items or any more information on these please share with me. I will be more than willing to put those information/contribution here.

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