Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pudukkottai State War Fund Raffle

It's more than a week now and I have become some what lazy as well ;) That's the reason you see no blog update! Also, You know summer is setting here in Bangalore. It's really hot out there from city's standard.

But, wind is still blowin.. so blog will continue :)

Today's item is about Pudukkottai state war fund raffle.

Pudukkottai, now a district in Tamilnadu state of India, was once a princely state under British India. The rulers of Pudukkottai had fought against Hyder Ali, the ruler of Mysore and Tipu Sultan. And that way, they became natural allies to British.

As Tipu Sultan had sought to leverage the power of the French against his British adversaries. Pudukkottai came under British Government rule as 11 gun salute princely state.

Raja Rajagopala Thondaiman, was the ruler of Pudukkottai state during World War II. Just like other princely states, Pudukkottai state also organised raffles to raise funds for war to contribute to British Government of India. Below item is one of such raffle issued in 1941 of 1 ruppee:

This was 1st war fund lottery ticket issued by Pudukkottai state. Some 100000 of such tickets were printed. The war fund raffle has secretary of War Fund Entertainments Committee signature on it along with date of issue to ticket bearer which is 3rd June 1941.

The back side of ticket carries the schedule and rules of lottery while front side mentions date of raffle which was 23rd June 1941, Raja Rajagopala Thondaiman's birthday.

Unfortunately, there's not much information available on Pudukkottai's contribution to the world war in Internet. If some one has more information, please share with me.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Bombay Presidency War & Relief Fund

I will be on vacation for next couple of days. So, there will not be any blog update until 29th January.

I am traveling to Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay) on personal trip. I was thinking not to update Blog but then Bombay's name reminded me of some war fund labels ;) And here I am writing blog ....

Yes, today's item is focused on Bombay Presidency War & Relief Fund.

The Bombay Presidency was a former province of British India. It was established in the 17th century as a trading post for the British East India Company, but later grew to encompass much of western and central India, as well as parts of post-partition Pakistan and the Arabian Peninsula.

At its greatest extent, the Bombay Presidency comprised the present-day state of Gujarat, the western two-thirds of Maharatra state, and northwestern Karnataka state of India; It also included Pakistan's Sindh province and the British territory of Aden in Yemen. It consisted partly of districts, which were directly under British rule, and partly of native or princely states, which were ruled by local rulers under the administration of a governor.

During world war I, Lord Willingdon, the governor of Bombay, had created India War & Relief Fund (Bombay Branch) where all the native and princely states neighbouring Bombay Presidency contributed along with people of Bombay Presidency.

As a part of that Women and Children Branch was also established for war victims. Lady Willingdon, president of these branches, led them for collection of funds. As a part of that, couple of labels were issued to encourage people to donate.

There are 3 different variety of such label exists.

The above 2 labels are of same design and type just a different color shades: Pale Lilac and Purple. These labels were issued with perforation 14 and of size 38.5x22 mm. All of these labels carried similar design. The labels were issued in denomination of 1/2 Anna each where Women's Branch, Bombay Presidency War & Relief Fund was printed.

One of variety in such label is "Children's Guild" overprinted on such label as shown above meant for Children Branch.

A slight difference was in the label issued in Sind province of Bombay Presidency where label carried "Sind Women's Branch" instead of "Women's Branch" which were present in other labels.

Sind label also had different picture in center where a man with camel was shown in the backdrop of rough mountain terrain. And, the label had Karachi printed instead of Bombay.

In 1917, Children's Branch had also issued bronze medal meant for Bombay Presidency War & Relief Fund as shown above. The medal carried President Lady Willingdon's signature on one side while a child alone on the other side perhaps depicting suffering and cries of war.

Yup! I have all the above items shown. I am not sure how many such items or labels were issued by Women and Children's Branch of Bombay War & Relief fund.

If you know more items or any more information on these please share with me. I will be more than willing to put those information/contribution here.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hyderabad War Purposes Fund - Faithful Ally

Every time, I think of writing blog and the most important question that props up to me is which of the item from my collection, I should publish today. Yesterday, even though I had selected the topic for the blog but the laziness prevented me from publishing it :(

Here is set of war fund labels from Hyderabad that I wanted to show. Well! talking about Hyderabad, it was the largest of the princely states in pre-independence India. With an area of 86,000 square miles (223,000 km²), it was roughly the size of present-day United Kingdom.

Its ruler, was the highest-ranking prince in India, was one of only five princes entitled to a 21-gun salute, held the unique title of "Nizam" and was created "His Exalted Highness" and "Faithful Ally of the British Crown" after World War One, due to his financial contribution to the British Empire's war effort.

'Nizam Mir Usman Alikhan Bahadur' succeeded to the throne on 29th August 1911. After 1918, Nizam was granted the title of “Faithful Ally of the British Government”, by the King Emperor which remained until the end of second world war.

Hyderabad was the premier performer in collection of war funds. Hyderabad state paid money to raise 3 squadrons of war-planes during WWII. By 1945, it had spent more than 5o million rupees on war related projects.

Below is set of 3 different labels of 1 anna each issued by Hyderabad state to raise war funds.

All three carry same design though 2 of the upper labels were printed in Hindi and Marathi language while below (green) one was printed in Urdu. Since, Hyderabad state had a good population of both Hindu and Muslims, the need of printing different language based labels was indeed a good idea to encourage more participation from both the community.

The label carried words in Hindi and Urdu which when translated is:
"Faithful Ally" [Yare Wafadar]

The labels carried words in English:

"Faithful Ally" the title given to Hyderabad state with "Hyderabad War Purposes Fund 1939 - till Victory"

I see the text in Marathi as well at end which when translated is:
"Hyderabad War Purposes Fund 1939 - till Victory" [Yudh Sahayasanthee Fund, 1939 Pasun Jaypraptiparyant]

Hyderabad issued other war label [war relief] and a victory commemoration stamp as well after end of second world war. We will discuss those some time later when I show other victory commemoration stamps issued by British India....

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hissar Aeroplane War Fund 1941

Today's item is again about a war fund coupon :-) released by Hissar district of India. As, I stated in earlier blogs that most of Indian princely states and lots of private institutions floated war fund committees and organised either some kind of lottery or some sports to encourage mass participation.

This is just one of another example of how Indian public generously contributed to the great cause of Humanity.

Hissar was a district in British India bordering Punjab. In modern India, Hissar is a important town and district in Haryana state of India (of course neighbouring Punjab state).

Above coupons were issued in the name of Hissar District Aeroplane War Fund. Each such booklet contained 10 coupons of 1 rupee each. The coupon was issued in red and blue color combination which I feel quiet different from other war fund coupons which are generally printed with white/black combination. Like the one shown above, I have one such booklet of series 18301 to 18310.

Another interesting part of these coupons are some thing printed on back of each such coupon. I have yet to get it decoded but it appears in first glance that the script is Urdu due to closeness of district to now Pakistan. The area had sizeable amount of population from Muslim commuity.

I am not sure if the printing on back side of coupon was done in all booklets or it is just a few of them which has such prints ;) Ok, I know I am trying to make my booklet quiet a rare :D

Anyway, in general people say these booklets are now scarce so even if you ignore my desparate attempt to make my coupon rarest of rare, these are still gems from history.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

War Rocket Mail - Stephen Smith

Am feeling really good to write about today's item. When I had bought this one on eBay through some Canada based gentleman long time back, I couldn't get enough details on it. It was lying in my album. All I new was this was related to India :-) again as told by gentleman. I tried doing Google but was not able to gather information.

I decided to put this item here so others can identify it. But before I do that I decided to Google again and voila! I got some information this time. Seems, luck was on my side finally.

The item is about War Rocket Mail Labels used on 19th Sept, 1939 in Calcutta, India. I have the unused label set of Rocket Mail no 207 and 208 not the used envelopes shown below. I just somehow managed to get images of same labels used during Rocket mail flight for collectors reference.

Stephen Smith, the pioneer in rocket mail was born in Shillong, Assam, India on February 4, 1891. Between September 30, 1934 and December 4, 1944, he conducted more than 250 rocket launches. Lots of such experimental launch included rocket mails while others carried even livestock/animals.

Lots of countries experimented in rocket mail, but Stephen Smith is known to be most successful of all.

Coming back to original item, the label "War Rocket" no. 207 and 208 were definitely part of WWII period. I really don't know how many such "War Rocket" label exists.

The other used envelope with no. 208 is shown below:

It is said that less than 100 such cards/envelopes were flown. These cards had comment on reverse: "Life is a mirror, the good and the bad seen in others, are hazy reflections of our own" with Stephen Smith's signature on front.

In 1992 his contributions were recognized by the Indian Government with the issuing of a stamp and first day cover on the centenary of his birth.

I feel the post will be incomplete without sharing the stamp and a special cover which was issued in his honor. So here it is:

Friday, January 16, 2009

Hamara Hindustan - War News Sheet (Newspaper)

Well! for last 2 days, I was bit busy so naturally you don't see any update. I am beginning to show sign that I am new to blog space, trying to slowly adapt to culture of updating blog daily. But, I guess it will take a while to get used to it (provided I have time and energy to do it ;)

So as a treat, I will show today another interesting piece of history: a war propaganda news sheet (or you can say newspaper). These were also called leaflets in a sense that they were part of propaganda, designed by psychological warfare division of SEAC (South East Asian Command) established by British and American forces in India which was later shifted to Sri Lanka for safety reason during WWII days.

The above shown news sheet is dated September 22, 1944 with marking of "HH 37" serial number of "Hamara Hindustan" (translated in English as "Our India").

"Hamara Hindustan" was the propaganda news sheet dropped over couple of years perhaps from 1943-1945 at various parts in Indian sub-continent, Burma, Malaya, Singapore and other asian countries where Indian forces were fighting under British command. It was a weekly news paper dropped by forward Air force bases on various places using US and British war planes.

The news sheet used to deliver some facts favoring advancing allies, gain made by allies, as well other fabricated news designed to enthuse energy in Indian soldiers, part of allies forces.

Like the one shown above, it shows food being prepared for soldiers, allies soldiers playing/providing food to children, Lord Mountbatten (who was allied commander of India) meeting soldiers, soldiers properly treated at hospitals etc.

The news sheet was mostly written in Urdu while sometimes English alphabets were used to form Hindi words. (Rather than using Hindi scripts same message was written using English letters but when you read it was Hindi words. The reason was perhaps that most of Soldiers fighting under British command in that region were Muslims. Either they could read Urdu or English. They could maximum recognize English letters but not very well conversant with English words. Thus Hindi/Indian language words were written using English letters.)

This was indeed a very deep thought by psychological warfare division how to convey the news by usage of different language and scripts.

As I am told, "HH" series news sheet are very scarce in market to find. One can get leaflets with some effort but these kinds of war news sheet (news papers) designed for war propaganda are really rare. I hope that's true ;)

I have been lucky to have some of such sheet of various dates.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hindustan Ki Afwaz Ke liye - Victory Label

Today happens to be Makar Sankranti, an important Indian harvesting festival. Definitely, I was in holiday mood that's why you see the blog getting updated so late in night :-)

This will be a short one not because I have no time but again I couldn't find any relevant information to share.

It is about a WWII label issued by British India which was used on various papers. Like the one I have shown below:

The label has text written in Hindi which reads [though words used are from Urdu]:

"Hindustan ki afwaz ke liye" translated in English as "For Defense of India"

The label also has 'V' symbol on it.

Two of the labels shown above have been used on one of Sitamau court paper dated 14th February 1945. Since, the label also carries face value of 2 anna, the usage on court paper as stamp duty justifies.

Sitamau was a princely state in current Madhya Pradesh state of India. Currently, it is one of major town in Mandsaur district in Madhya Pradesh.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Propaganda Postcard - Germany

This is an interesting propaganda postcard issued during 1940. These (along with other such postcards) were distributed in Lisbon (Portugal), by the German embassy during WWII.

The text is in Portuguese which reads:

"Nations of all world benefit from all the goods of earth"

Basically, it is sarcastic comment on America and allies where postcard shows D. Roosevelt helping Winston Churchill with cigar while a Chinese, an Indian (shown as sardar [Sikh]), an Arab and an Vietnamese or some south Asian is tied to same log.

The log has label which states:

"American Peace"

The postcard shows what is the meaning of American peace where Americans are using all other countries for their benefit.

The intention seems very clear which is to divide the allies [nations].

Sunday, January 11, 2009

War Contribution Stamps - Dewas JB (Junior) [BBCF]

Today's item is about war contribution revenue stamps issued by one of Indian princely states: Dewas Junior. Dewas Junior, formerly central India agency (Malwa region) is now part of Madhya Pradesh state.

Dewas Junior state had established links with British in 1818 and since then they were supporting British in every cause. During 1940-45, Dewas Junior also shown as Dewas J.B. on stamps, issued series of "War Contribution" stamps. Following is one of such example:

I obtained this set from one of Indian dealer. The above stamps were called "Type 40". Exact date of issue is not known. These stamps are called of variety (C) where "Dewas State JB" was written at left in English while values in Hindi at right in red color. There are many varieties/shades known to be existing. Approx size of such stamps is 55x33 mm with perforation 10. They were issued on wove paper.

The above set which I have is affixed on a register page, used for a state guesthouse expenses. The receipt date states August 1943 with lots of entries [names] on it with their expenses. Some of entries bear thumb impression as well.

War Purposes Fund - Bikaner State [BAAA]

Today's item is related to interesting football match organised in Bikaner state of India to generate fund during world war II.

During WWII, war purposes fund was created and most of Indian princely states had contributed to the fund to assist British in war. Bikaner issued "coupons of war purposes fund" to raise donation fund as shown below.

There are two varities of coupons: one with revenue minister "Prem Singh" signature on it issued under "Government of Bikaner" while other with president of national war front committee starting with "K*********" issued under "Bikaner State".

If anyone can read or knows who was the president of National War Front Committee that time then please let me know.

Both the coupons were for the football match organised between Dungar College vs Dungar Lancers (which was one of the Bikaner state force which included His Highness' Bodyguard) on 16th October 1942. The coupons carry the date 16.10.42 on back.

I purchased this item from one of Indian dealer.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Indian Nation (Japanese Propaganda Leaflet) [GAAA]

This is first from my leaflet collection. I acquired this from one of known expert in war propaganda. We got to know each other through Psywar society of USA. The leaflet was created by Axis [Japanese] forces against potential Indian people/soldiers who might enroll to fight under British command.

The leaflet has text in Hindi and Bengali. The usage of Bengali and General Chiang-Kai-Shek indicates that it seems to be targeted for India-Burma front.

At the left is a peaceful Indian standing in a fertile countryside with outstretched arms. General Chiang Kai-shek and President Franklin D. Roosevelt stand at the right in flames with broken cannon and bent sword, their arms also outstretched, but their hands drip blood. The Japanese apparently think that Roosevelt is about to be thrown out of office because he holds a paper that reads, “Proposal for Resignation.” The text in Hindi and Bengali is:

"Indian Nation! Do not get bogged down in the mud of war."

The flames at the bottom are labeled:

"Privations of war."

I have taken translated text from Axis Propaganda Against Indian Troops website. Though, I myself can read Hindi :-)

An interesting piece of information I learnt recently that president Franklin Delano Roosevelt was either known as FDR just like president Kennedy was called as JFK or he was called/shown in stamps as Franklin Roosevelt but never like Franklin D. Roosevelt or Delano Roosevelt.