Saturday, October 11, 2008

Rajpipla War Purpose Fund Lottery Ticket [HFA]

The aim of this blog is to report any war fund ticket, cinderella, raffle, labels, stamps, revenue, fiscals or interesting envelopes etc. all kinds of stationary where Indian involvement is shown to philatelic community.

Basically, I would like to gather as much information as possible behind each such item. They include items from my personal collection as well any sighting of such material on internet.

Do share your knowledge on each such items displayed here as I am amateur in this area. (I hate to say this but I didn't develop test for censor covers where lots of people expertise.)

Wherever possible, I will try to provide reference of book or catalog,

I know this is very vast and big area but of the late I developed taste towards it while collecting world war II related stamps of other countries.

I started digging about Indian role in world war I & II and slowly this sweet poison paralyzed my nerve system making me addict.

Without taking much time, let me try to start now.

Above photo is one of private lottery ticket issued in aid of war purpose fund in Kapurthala of Punjab. The event organised to raise fund was Rajpipla Cup, a polo tournament held in Bombay.

I purchased this war fund ticket from one of known dealer of Bangalore. I know there shall be hundreds of such items issued by Indian states as well private party to support the war.

If you have any such item which you would like to share then please send me details with photo and all the information. I might be even interested in buying such items as well :-)


  1. Dear Friend,
    You have mentioned that it's a lottery ticket issued for war purpose fund in Rajpipla. But it is not issued in Rajpipla State but it is from Kapurthala of Punjab. The Rajpipla Cup was the polo tournament held in Bombay.

  2. Thanks for comments. I agree. That was my 1st post and I didn't pay proper attention to item. I will correct it. Over the period, I have learnt doing proper research before putting item on display.
