Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sind War Stamp - WW2 India

Today's post is continuation of earlier post where I showed "Bombay War Gift's Fund" label. These war fund labels are of similar pattern of Bombay War Gift's Fund.

The one shown on top is titled "Help To Defend Your Country" with Sind War Gifts Fund. It shows an anti-aircraft gun in square on left side of stamp with text (English and Urdu) on right side. The stamp was issued in bright purple color with denomination of half Anna. It was of size 42.5x26 mm. The label has been quoted in "Patriotic & Propaganda of the British Commonwealth" catalogue by Clive Edwards as 1/558.

The one at bottom was another variety of same type. This one is titled "Help To Defend Your Country" with Sind War Stamp text. The other difference being it has a large V. It also shows an anti-aircraft gun in square on left side of stamp. It was issued in dull purple color with denomination of half Anna. It is said that it was used from 4th July, 1942 to 21st August, 1942. The label has been quoted in "Patriotic & Propaganda of the British Commonwealth" catalogue by Clive Edwards as 1/559.

The war stamps were issued to raise public funds for anti-aircraft guns for defense of India.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Santa Riding Bullock Cart - WW2 V-mail from India

It's long time since I shared an Airgraph/V-mail. So, I decided to share one of V-mail from my collection for today's quick post.

This one is V-mail sent from APO 465 to Toledo, Ohio, USA. The V-mail mentions year as 1944 and has a text "Merry Christmas from INDIA 1944".

It shows Santa riding a bullock cart (laden with gifts) commonly used during those times as popular transportation option in India. The V-mail was passed though censor as evident in photo shown above.